First, election time has nearly arrived. If you are lucky enough to live in the great State of Texas you can vote right now (I have to tell you though Texas, I get a little personal excitement out of voting on election day so I'm waiting). A couple of people have mentioned to me that they don't know how to figure out what will be on their ballot so I thought I would take a few minutes to help out with that. If you are a Texan I would recommend that you visit this site:;jsessionid=07448055D849A2B3990ED7D822F7F896
This site will not only tell you what district you are in, it will show you your entire ballot and allow you to compare candidates (including judges). Once you decide who to vote for you can print the whole thing out and take it with you to the polling place. It's pretty groovy.
If you live anywhere else you should Google and visit your Secretary of State's website and you should be able to find all voting information there including the sample ballot. You will need to know your district number which can also be located by doing a little Googling. After you have your sample ballot you can visit the websites of each candidate to learn more about them. Yes this may require a little time and effort but DO IT ANYWAY! You may also want to check the website of your local paper because they likely have something similar to the link I provided above. If you want to know whether or not you can vote early and where, (and you have no aversion to the Obama website) you can visit here: and gather the necessary information. I'm telling you, the internet is a beautiful thing.
In other news an 89 year old woman was arrested for refusing to return the neighbor kids ball. I say good. That's what you get for being mean. That's karma grandma.
Sarah Palin announced today that she does support a Constitutional Amendment to ban Gay marriage. Good for her and her hate monger friends. This confirms my thinking that what she said about gay marriage in the debate was an outright lie. Sometimes I hate it when I am right.
And finally these assholes got together and pretended to do something.

I don't know what they are smiling about but I think there should be a new rule that if you are an elected official currently holding a position in Washington you aren't allowed to smile about a damn thing right now. This rule particularly applies to the idiot on the far right who terrifies me every time he smiles about something.
That is all. Carry on.
Hmmmm....Calling someone on a lie is one thing, calling them names because they hold a different opinion than you is quite another.
Not supporting gay marriage does not equate to hate mongering. Frankly I am surprised that someone as educated and passionate about the bill of rights, (not to mention someone with so many stong opinions in so many areas) as you would make that accusatory statement.
Hate is a life & spirit sapping thing. Be careful my golden child, lest it bite you with it's venomous fangs
I respect nothing about the concept of tampering with the United States Consitution in order to prohibit the liberties of others based on personal religous beliefs. Lets not kid ourselves, this is not a civic issue in the eyes of the religious right. While this issue is not the primary cause of my accusation of hate mongering (as there have been plenty of other hateful and intolerate passive-agressive suggestions made by this candidate) I find it interesting indeed that the Governor's passion for State's Rights suddenly goes out the window on this issue. If not hate and intolerance for that with which she does not agree, what then is the motivation for this departure?
Ahh, but there is a BIG difference between hate & intolerance, and and even bigger difference between hate, and simple disagreement or opinion on an issue.
Mrs Palin said that her state has legislated the matter in a way she agrees with, and she "wishes" that the same thing would happen on a federal level. That is hardly akin to constitution tampering, and she doesn't really even say she would or would not champion that cause. For heaven sakes, People like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Bell Azbug have been trying to tamper with the constitution louldy and for a multitude of years...
Is Marriage, regardless of the parties involved, even a political thing, by nature or the constitution?
Is abortion? I don't believe that either thing should be defined or regulated by any government....yet I do not hate anyone simply because they believe differently.
The religious right is no more filled with hate than the athiest left, if you choose to go that route. Both parties have many flaws, all peoples have their flaws, and some are full of hate... but most are not.
I'm just offering up a reminder that extremism, be it proactive reactive, or a reaction, rarely accomplishes anything.
The level of animosity you have towards Sarah Palin seems to border on hate, which is odd...since
all she did was become a civic minded citizen, run for office at a local level, win, run again at a state level, win, and get noticed. These are the things you champion. Things you believe in passionately. They are exactly what an American who has strong beliefs and a love for his or her country SHOULD do, party notwithstanding.
We don't have to like, and won't like, what MANY of them DO once they get into office, but its hardly reasonable to hate them because they acted on the basic tenants of America.
I find your intense loathing of her fascinating...She seems to be your political version of that omniscient girl in High Hchool who everyone hates because she's the pretty one.
I'm going to have to agree with you that the Atheist left is also filled with hate. I don't support their agenda either. The distinction is that the religious right makes up a much larger (or at least louder)section of this country. Also I'm not sure that agree with you that the line between intolerance and hate is a wide one.
I have to admit that this issue in paticular fires me up because almost every time I set foot in the high school I have to ask students not to use the word faggot in my presence. I hear good Christian boys and girls use the words "faggot" and "queer" when discussing homosexuality and gay rights in the classroom. I have on four different occasions watched in horror as one or more students told the tale of harassing some "homo" in the locker room, hallway, or parking lot while the rest of the class laughed and cheered. All of these behaviors are then defended by these students in the name of the bible. These children did not come upon these ideas on their own and based on my discussions with other teachers, these are not isolated incidents. Not agreeing with gay marriage is something that everyone is entitled to do. Teaching your children that gay people are faggots is entirely another and the prevalence of this behavior is astonishing. While adults may have the good common sense not to use such words in public, the influence is clearly coming from somewhere and I have a pretty good idea where. In all fairness, I do not know for a fact that Sarah Palin thinks this way and I am willing to concede that point.
You think I'm upset by Sarah Palin because she's a pretty girl? No. I may be jealous of pretty, smart girls from time to time but in my assessment this candidate does not fully meet the latter of those qualifications. It's surprising that you would presume me to be operating on such shallow pretense. As a woman and as a citizen I do feel threatened by Sarah Palin but it is not because of her looks. Good for her for becoming a Governor. I wouldn't have voted for her but more power to her. Here's how I see it, this woman has literally done nothing to demonstrate that she is capable of running the highest office in the land and in fact quite the opposite. It's insulting and maddening to me to think that a job women have dreamed of holding might first be held by someone who is celebrated in the press when she is able to come up with a coherent sentence. It's pretty transparent that she wasn't selected as a running mate because she was the best possible candidate for the job and this inherently bothers me. It's like watching your dumb co-worker being promoted to VP of the company because they are qualified on paper. I'm upset with her for accepting a role she isn't prepared for (and doing so with no humility) and I'm mad at the GOP for offering it to her. What kind of precedent might this set for us as women? For that matter, what kind of precedent does it set for the country when being average is considered enough to be the leader of the free world?
Furthermore, she affiliates herself with and was selected as a running mate for purposes of appealing to a group of people who have no problem with managing this country through intolerance and fear. My initial hesitations about voting for John McCain were based on the fact that he's been a little too cozy with this group in recent years himself. I don't hate Sarah Palin or the religious right but for a laundry list of reasons, both of them scare the bejesus out of me. I view her candidacy as a setback on various levels. I make a lot of jokes about her but the reality is that I am deeply worried about what continued exposure to that kind of mentality from the top will do to this nation and I'm not even a little bit ashamed or embarrassed to say so, even if it is reactionary.
I don't expect you to relinquish or silence your opinions but just so we're on the up and up, I won't be doing it either.
Holy moly, that was almost an entire blog.
First.....Oh NoNoNo....I DO NOT think you are jealous of Sarah...not even a little. That reference was a parallel for how much you seem to resent her, (the way the pretty girl is resented at school for no apparent reason) NOT a suggestion that you are personally jealous. HEck, I don't even remember you being jealous of the pretty girl in school...thats so NOT you...which is why I am surprised at how much hostility you have shown towards her.
Second, I would expect nothing more than that you would continue to bevery voacl about your opinions...I'd be disappointed if you did.
(this reminds me of the *discussions* that used to go on around the table at Grandpa Simonsen's house, only there is no table banging) It's one of my greatest joys to have children who are so intellegint, so well spoken, and so filled with the courage of their convictions.
Now I gotta go read that again, to see what I missed when I skimmed it the first time!
Those were the good old days weren't they? If I had a table in front of me I would definitely pound on it. LOL
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