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Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh No You Didn't

Oct 7, 12:50 AM EDT

Lehman sought millions for execs while seeking aid

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The now-bankrupt investment bank Lehman Brothers arranged millions in bonuses for fired executives as it pleaded for a federal lifeline, lawmakers learned Monday, as Congress began investigating what went so wrong on Wall Street to prompt a $700 billion government bailout..........

You can read the rest here:

So, you greedy bastards wanna play games? I know a game. It's called Monopoly. Sometimes you make all the money and own all the property but sometimes you:

Consider that an invitation....

You know, there used to be a time when you could drag a person out in the street and tar & feather them for doing things that were contrary to the cause of liberty and democracy. Granted, women and minorities didn't have rights then but I can't help but be a tiny bit nostalgic for the Colonial era. A little civilian justice would make me feel pretty warm and fuzzy inside right about now.

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