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Monday, September 29, 2008

Behind the Times

My fabulous Uncle Jon pointed out that I did not post the most current version of the bailout bill draft. SO I'll be taking another look at that puppy to see what I think about it...although I have a pretty good guess what I'm going to think about it but you can read it for yourself here:

Here's a little somethin to watch in the meantime courtesy of my girl Emburrito.

I am so happy that you are all offering additional information and dissenting opinions. That's what I want to see kids!! Of course I'm not always right, none of us are, but the dialogue makes my heart swell with joy n stuff.


Deb said...


Deb said...

what other opinions n stuff?

Jeanettics said...

Most are coming via email and then there are a few sprinkled in here. I think everyone is too worried about offending me to leave them here which is silly but thoughtful.
